Grand Junction Colorado
Real Estate Professionals

Grand Junction / Fruita / Palisade
Loma / Mack / Rifle / Silt
Battlement Mesa / Parachute
Orchard Mesa / Redlands Mesa
Collbran / Mesa / Molina
Delta / Cedaredge / Hotchkiss
Paonia / Olathe / Montrose
Ridgway / Ouray / Log Hill
Nucla / Naturita / Norwood

Daniel & Joan Ashurst

Real Estate Broker Associates

Experience the Difference!

The Sneddon Group, LLC


We Will Be in Touch Soon

Take a look at one of our listings that sold this past summer.  This is a great home in the Grand Junction area that is very centrally located in a friendly, clean neighborhood.  Check out our YouTube channel for more videos!

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